Revitalization Initiative Capital Project
We at Tully Free Library have the responsibility to be forward-looking for how we can be good stewards for our community’s investment in our facility and better serve our community.
As recently as 2019, we sought community feedback in our Strategic Planning Survey. What we found was that addressing the library's lack of space was one of the most frequent suggestions from respondents.
We’ve found that much of the library’s aging infrastructure needs updating, such as adding fresh air ventilation and making our heating system more energy efficient, improving accessibility at the circulation desk, replacing dangerous narrow staircases, and adding an elevator for access to the second floor. These updates are a priority to protect the health and safety of all who visit and work at the library.
In addition, the library’s inefficient current layout makes it a challenge to meet the needs of all library users, ranging from kids attending our after-school programs, those needing quiet space to study and work, tutors, community groups holding meetings, and the like.
In response to the community’s feedback and the evolving needs of the library, Tully Free Library initiated a facility study and worked with Ashley McGraw Architects of Syracuse from January - August 2022 to help us with a design to remediate, update and optimize our space so we can better benefit our community in areas such as safety, public use, tutoring, meeting space for community groups, library programs, etc.
In September, 2022, we applied for the New York State Library Construction Grant, which will fund $805,857 (75% of the project), with the remaining $268,619 (25%) coming from other grant sources and donations. We will receive the majority of the 75% of funds from NYS in Fall 2023. Tully Free Library is continuing to work with Ashley McGraw Architects to develop the design, and we expect the project to be completed by 2025.
The project will improve the library's safety and accessibility by:
Replacing the circulation desk with one that is more accessible per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Adding an elevator to the 2nd floor
Improving air quality by adding fresh air ventilation with energy-efficient equipment
Upgrading the fire detection system with a point addressable system for the entire building
The project will improve usable library space by:
Adding two quiet glass-walled tutoring / group rooms
Relocating the fireplace reading area by the circulation desk to a quieter area
Removing the bathroom in the center of the library. The two bathrooms along the North wall and in the Community Room will remain.
The project will address all three priorities (improve safety and accessibility, and improve usable space) by:
Replacing and relocating the narrow dangerous stairs to the 2nd floor and basement
Reconfiguring the foyer to include movable glass partitions so the space is more flexible and the Padget Community Room is more visible
We feel it is important for the community to help guide our vision!
Below is the in-progress concept design. Please use the comment form to share your thoughts or questions.
If you would like a tour of the library from a member of our Board of Trustees, please let us know below.
Thank you for any help you can provide to help us chart a more productive course for the future of Tully Free Library!

The above designs are in-progress and do not indicate final plans.
We are dedicated to preserving what is special about our library, such as the wonderful woodwork, stained glass, and fireplace, which help make the library interior warm and inviting. We do hope to pump up the color for our teen and kid areas.
Please share your feedback about the concept design or let us know if you would like a tour.
You can also visit the library to see the design on the bulletin board and offer feedback there.